Soal Paket B USBN Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII SMA/MA/SMK beserta Jawabannya

Soal Paket B USBN Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII SMA/MA/SMK beserta Jawabannya

Soal Ujian Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII SMA/MA/SMK

Keterangan Soal:
Kelas /Semester : Kelas XII / Genap
Jumlah Soal pilihan Ganda : 40 soal
Jumlah Soal Essay : 5 soal
Petunjuk khusus :
  1. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling  tepatpada soal pilihan ganda, dengan menghitamkan (•) pada A, B, C, D, atau E pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia!
  2. Jawablah dengan tepat soal uraian pada lembar jawab uraian.
A.  Choose the best answer of the 5 options by giving a cross (X) to A, B, C, D, or E in the answer sheet.
1.      Read the dialogue.
Man       : I heard that you have moved to your new house. Congratulations!
Woman : Thank you. I have moved since three days ago. My old house is near a big road.   It was so noisy. I invite you to come to my new house.
Man     : I’d love to. Thanks.
What does the man express?
A.    The man wants to help the woman move into a new house.
B.     The man offers the woman a help to move into a new house.
C.     The man invites the woman to his new house.
D.    The man desires to buy the woman’s new house.
E.     The man congratulates on the woman’s new house.
2.      Read the dialogue.
Attendant       :  Can I help you, ma’am?
Mrs. Widya    :  Yes, please. Do you have anything for relieving my itching?
Attendant      :  Wait a minute, please. Would you try this ointment? Just apply a little on the itching area.
Mrs. Widya    :   Ok, I’ll try it. Well, that’s good. Give me the small tube, then.
Attendant       :  Alright. Here you are.
Where does the dialogue probably take place?
A.    At school
B.     At the hospital
C.     At the drug store
D.    At the doctor’s office
E.     At a laboratory
3.      Read the dialogue.
Dara                : Wow... It’s really amazing. Just four days after being released, Dilan 1990 has attracted more than 1 million viewers. How do you like this movie?
Bintang            : What is the story about?
Dara                 : The movie follows Milea who just moved from Jakarta to Bandung in 1990 and later falls in love with Dilan who she meets in high school.
Bintang            : It’s such teenager love story, I can’t stand it. It is just a silly wasting time watching it. I’d rather watch science fiction film.
 What is Bintang’s opinion on “Dilan 1990” movie?
A.    He is amazed.
B.     He is interested.
C.     He loves it.
D.    He hates it.
E.     He likes it.
Jennifer            : Guess what I just heard. I won!
Bob                  : You won a prize! I knew it!
Jennifer            : Bob, I won the first prize.
Bob                  :  ____________. Congratulation! Are you going to ask for a job?
Jennifer            : Well, the art director saw my photos
Bob                  : And?
Jennifer            : He asked to see all the other pictures I took that day.
Bob                  : Did you send them to him?
Jennifer            : Sure. And I sent him a letter too.
What is the most suitable expression to complete the dialogue?
A.      Well done!
B.       I believe you can do it.
C.       I’m sure about it.
D.      I’m happy for you.
E.       Nice to see you.
Woman            : You know what? The deadline for handing my English assignment is
                          today, but I can’t meet my English teacher at school. What should I do?
Man                 : . …
What is the most suitable reply to complete the dialogue?
A.       I’m very sorry to hear that.
B.        If I were you, I would call her.
C.        You don’t have to hand it over now.
D.       I  suggest you obey the regulation.
E.        I don’t want to call her.
       Mommy           : Do you want to join the next spelling bee competition, Jean?
       Jean                 : Yes, of course I do, mom. I really want to the first winner.
       Mom                : ....
       Jean                 : Thanks, mom. I’ll take your advice.
What is the most suitable expression to complete the dialogue?
A.  If you want to be a winner, I can do it for you.
B.  I can find you one if you want to be a winner.
C.  If you want to be a winner, I’m happy for you.
D.  If you have been a winner, don’t forget me.
E.   If you want to be a winner, you have to practice a lot.
Astrid     : What medicine did you take?
           Dewi       :  I got the flu so I took some antibiotics.
Astrid      : Who prescribed you?  You have to be careful in using this medicine.
Dewi       :  Really?
Astrid      : You know what?  When people overuse or misuse antibiotics, it can
                  ... the microbes resistant ....they may survive and multiply.
The best words to complete the dialogue are...
A.  do – so that
B.  cause - because
C.  make  - so that
D.  do – because of
E.   result in – due to
8. Read the following caption text.
Soal Paket A USBN Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII
The main road to the Puncak resort area in Bogor, West Java, was closed for 10 days on Feb. 7. The road was closed to clear the area of debris from landslides that were caused by recent heavy rains. (Antara/-)
From the caption text we know that ....
A.    the landslide is still happening in Puncak resort area.
B.     there was landslide debris on the main road to Puncak.
C.     the heavy rain still occurs on the main road to Puncak.
D.    there will be a disaster on the  road to the Puncak resort area.
E.     there is a traffic accident  that involves many vehicles on the road.
9. Read the following text.
The Mount Rushmore National Memorial is a sculpture carved into the granite face of Mount Rushmore near Keystone, South Dakota, USA. Sculpted by Danish-American Gutzon Borglum and his son Lincoln Borglum, Mount Rushmore features 60 foot (18 m) sculptures of the heads of four faces of The United States presidents: George Washington Thomas Jefferson , Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln.
Which picture goes with the description?
Soal Paket A USBN Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII

This text is for questions 10 and 11

The text of Proclamation of Indonesia Independence was formulated by Soekarno, Hatta, and Ahmad Subarjo only a few hours earlier, on the night of 16 August in Admiral Maeda’s house. Once the text was completed and approved, Sajuti Melik then copied and typed the manuscript using a typewriter.
At first, The Proclamation of Indonesian Independence would be read at the “Ikada” plain, the large open field in the centre of Jakarta. Since the road to the “Ikada” plain was guarded by the Japanese army, they moved the activity to the residence of Soekarno at Jalan Pegangsaan Timur  56 Jakarta.
On Friday, at 10.00 a.m. August 17 1945, Soekarno read the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence text and then continued with a short speech without text. After that, Latif Hendra Ningrat and Soehoed were raising the Indonesian red-white flag which had been sewn by Mrs. Fatmawati. Then, the audience sang Indonesia Raya national anthem together. This event marked the proclamation of The Indonesian Independence throughout the country. 
The declaration also marked the start of the diplomatic and armed resistance of the Indonesian National Revolution, fighting against the forces of the Netherlands and pro-Dutch civilians, until Dutch officially acknowledged Indonesia’s independence in 1949.
10.  What is the main idea of paragraph two?
A.    The venue where the Indonesian Independence was proclaimed.
B.     The persons who formulated the Proclamation text.
C.     The first Proclamation of Indonesia Independence at Ikada Field.
D.    The day and the date when Indonesian Independence was proclaimed.
E.     The person who had sewn the Indonesian red-white flag.
11.  From the text above, we can conclude that....
A.  Soekarno-Hatta designed and wrote the independence proclamation text.
B.  The declaration did not run well because the Japanese sabotaged the event.
C.  The proclamation was instantly acknowledged by the Dutch in 1945.
D.  The independence proclamation text was designed on Soekarno’s house.
E.   The day and the date of the independence proclamation was really a historical event.
This text is for questions 12 and 13
Soal Paket B USBN Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII
12.  This tips will be useful if ....
A.    someone is wearing  rubber foot wear.
B.     people  likes scrubbing their feet
C.     people  often wash their feet.
D.    someone is on a diet
E.     one has smelly feet
13.  If one wants this tips to be effective, he will ...after reading this tips.
A.    keep the tips.
B.     do all the tips.
C.     discuss the tips
D.    share all the tips.
E.     observe the tips.
This text is for questions 14 and 15
Soal Paket B USBN Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII

These persons will probably attend to this PTA meeting, except ...
A.    The teachers
B.     Students’ parents
C.     customers
D.    The Principal
E.     School community members
15.  “You can learn how to volunteer your time....”
The underlined word means ....
A.    offer freely
B.     buy immediately
C.     sell instantly
D.    take freely
E.     write willingly
  This text is for question numbers 16 and 17.

To fill this semester vacation, there will be an excursing program to Pulau Seribu held by The SMANSA Students Board. The program will be held on December 23, 2017. There will be interesting programs during the excursion. Please be registered before December 20, 2017. For detailed information, please contact Adinda, the program coordinator, at 08577846817.

16.    The purpose of the text is ....
A.    to describe vacation program.
B.    to tell about Students Board activity.
C.    to inform about Students Board activity.
D.    to announce students excursion to Pulau Seribu.
E.    to introduce new program of the Students Board.
17.    When is the due date of the registration?
A.    on December 20, 2017.
B.    on December 23, 2017.
C.    before December 20, 2017.
D.    after December 23, 2017.
E.    before December 23, 2017.
This text is for question numbers 18 - 20.
Should People Shop in Online Shop?
Nowadays, the activity of online shopping has risen steadily around the world. It has become a new lifestyle for people in modern city since 21St century. Even though there are still many people who prefer buying their daily needs in a market to shopping online, shopping online for certain people has more advantages than its drawbacks.
There are strong arguments in favour of online shopping. For some people, particularly working people, they argue that the existence of online shop is very utilitarian in their life. That is because they do not have to go to a market which they may spend much time. Moreover, online shop has offered many types of goods that customer can buy, so they have many preferences to select the best ones.
Furthermore, nowadays, there have been many online shops which put some buyer testimonies on their websites. If customers feel worried about the quality of goods, they can see and read some testimonies concerning the quality of those goods. Therefore, with the presence of testimony, consumers can easily determine whether the quality of goods is decent or not.
In conclusion, online shopping has advantages and merits for many people. Thus, people can utilize online shopping as new lifestyle due to its benefits.
18. This passage is mainly concerned with ....
A.  the arguments about online shopping.
B.  the easiness given by online shopping.
C.  the new lifestyle among carrier woman.
D.  the rise of online shopping around the world.
E.  the supportive arguments on online shopping.
19. Based on the text, which of the following are reason why people choose online shopping?
A.  the high price.
B.  can be done everywhere.
C.  the limited kind the goods.
D.  the laziness of the customer.
E.  the practical transaction.
20. “Therefore, with the presence of testimony, consumers can easily determine whether the quality of goods is decent or not.” (paragraph 3)
               The underlined word may be best replaced by ....
A.    considerable
B.    respectable
C.    acceptable
D.    credible
E.    reliable
This text is for question numbers 21 - 23.
Why Female Mosquitoes Bite
Many years ago in Vietnam, a poor fisherman lived with his beautiful wife. The fisherman was happy, but his wife was not. She wanted to be rich.
One day when the fisherman was working, his wife became sick and died. The fisherman came home and found his wife dead. He sat near her and prayed.
While he was praying, he heard a voice. The voice told him how to bring his wife back to life. The voice said, ”Cut your finger and let three drops of blood fall on your wife.” The man did what he was told. And when the third drop of blood fell on his wife, she came back to life. The fisherman was very happy to have his wife back.
One day soon after that, the wife went to the beach to wait for her husband to come back from fishing. While she was waiting, she met a rich man with a big boat. The rich man told the woman, ”You are very beautiful. Come with me on my big boat. I can make you very wealthy.” The woman wanted to be rich, so she went with him.
When the husband came back, he saw two other fishermen. They told him that his wife had left with the rich man. The husband went to find his wife. When he found her he was very angry. He asked her to come back home, but she would not. Then he told her that he wanted back his three drops of blood.
He cut her hand with a knife, and three drops of blood fell. Then the woman changed. She became very small and grew wings. She flew around her husband’s head angrily saying,“ Give me back the three drops of blood!”.
To this day female mosquitoes still fly around trying to get back the three drops of blood.

21.  According to the story,...
A.  The fisherman and his wife were materialistic couple.
B.  The woman was turned into a female mosquito.
C.  The fisherman and his wife led a happy life.
D.  The fisherman’s wife always thanked to gods.
E.   The rich man was angry with the fisherman.
22.  How do you compare the fisherman and his wife?
A.    The fisherman was a mean man but his wife was generous.
B.     The woman was so unfaithful and her husband often complained
C.     The woman often complained and her husband was unfriendly.
D.    The husband was willing to sacrifice but his wife was so unfaithful.
E.     The husband was generous and his wife was willing to sacrifice.
23.  The woman wanted to be rich, so she went with him.
We can also say that the woman went with the rich man …….. she wanted to be rich.
A.      and
B.       but
C.       beside
D.      because
E.       although
This text is for questions 24 and 25
5thMarch 2018
Personnel Manager Stores Company
Jl. T. B Simatupang Kav. 26
Jakarta 12520
Dear Sir,
I am honored to apply for the accountant position, advertised by company’s website on 26th February 2018. I am a fresh graduate of bachelor of Economics with a major in Accounting. I am seeking the opportunity to implement my knowledge and skills to contribute to your company.
Although I am a fresh graduate, I have developed my skills and qualities through study and internships. Through internship I have experience for real work at companies. I have the ability to work under pressure and as a team member. You will find me to be positive, motivated and hard-working, keen to learn and contributable. I believe that my positive attitude and strong work ethic, I would be very suitable for the advertised position.
I enclose my resume and copies of my certificates for your consideration.
It will be appreciated if you can give me the time and chance to have a test or interview. I would gladly give you any further information you may require. Thank you for your attention.
Your faithfully,
 Savanna Lea
24.  From the text, we know that the applicant ….
A.    would like to be concerned
B.     graduated from Laws Department
C.     has work experience as an accountant
D.    knows the job vacancy from a newspaper
E.     sends an application letter with resume only
25.  What is the difference between paragraphs two and four?
A.    Both paragraphs talk about the writer’s qualities.
B.     Both paragraphs tell how the writer got the advertisement.
C.     The idea stated in paragraph four is similar to that stated in paragraph two.
D.    Paragraph two talks about the writer’s education while paragraph four talks about the writer’s experience.
E.     Paragraph two talks about the writer’s skills and qualities while paragraph four talks about the writer’s willingness to have an interview.
This text is for questions 26 and 27
Dr. Abdulrachman Saleh ( 1909 – 1947 )
Born into a family of doctors in Kampung Ketapang, Kwitang Barat, Jakarta, Abdulrachman Saleh also became a doctor. After finishing MULO, he studied at STOVIA. While being a student, he was appointed assistant at the laboratory of physiology. Graduating from STOVIA, Abdulrachman Saleh continued his work at the lab while having his own medical practice.
Abdulrachman Saleh’s role in medicine was significant. He became a lecturer in Jakarta, Surabaya, Malang, and Klaten. For his meritorious service in medicine, specifically in physiology, in 198, the University of Indonesia bestowed him the title of Bapak Ilmu Faal (Father of Physiology ).
Abdulrachman  Saleh was a man of many interest. He was involved in youth organization like Boy Scouts and Indonesia Muda. He was also a member of aeroclub, and co-founded the Verenigde Oosterse Radio Omroep (VORO), an organization of broadcasters. It was he who established the voice of Free  Indonesia, the radi station which spread the proclamation of Indonesia’s independence to the world.
26. Abdulrachman Saleh was bestowed the title Father of Physiology because …
A. he was a lecturer in the Medical faculty of the University of Indonesia
B. he had significant contribution in physiology.
C. he was a lecturer in many parts of Indonesia.
D. he was a lecturer as well as a doctor.
E. he was a professor in physiology.
27.   “He was involved in youth organization …” ( par. 3 )
             The underlined word is closest in meaning to …
A.  Noted
B.  Supposed
C.  Engaged
D.  Excluded
E.   Inspired
This text is for questions 28 and 30
How is a spider’s web formed and how does it work?
Most spiders eat insects and some trap their food in webs. How a spider makes its web to get food is fascinating. First, it must find the right location. This could be in a bush, a tree or a fence. The space must be wide enough and the supports must be strong enough to hold the web. Most importantly, the web must be near the source of food. Once the right location is found, the spider sets out to spin the web. This web is used to trap insects.
The silk is produced first in liquid form and then the air will help to solidify it and the strands form one very strong thread. The wind will help to blow the threads to the opposite side and the spider will then fasten is safely to the support.
The spider spins its web according to a design. A different silk is produced for each part of the web. The parts which will trap the insects are sticky. When the threads are in place, the spider will move to the centre of the web and weave a silky mattress for it to rest in. Soon enough, an unsuspecting insect will come flying into the web and get itself trapped in the sticky web.
As it struggles, the movements of the insect will wake the spider and it will quickly move towards the insect. When the spider reaches the insect, the spider spins more webs around it until it is trapped completely. Then the spider attacks its prisoner. The insect is killed with a sting and the spider gets to enjoy its meal.
To survive, spiders trap their prey in their fascinating webs. No insects will fly away once they have been trapped on the webs.
28.  What is the purpose of the text?
A. To describe what a spider web looks like
B. To describe what a spider is like.
C. To explain how a spider’s web is formed
D. To tell a story about a spider and an insect
E. To persuade the readers that spiders are dangerous.
29.  What happens after the spider has finished spinning the whole web?
A.    It produces silk in liquid form.
B.     It traps the insect with its sticky thread.
C.     It will quickly move towards the insect.
D.    It weaves a silky mattress for a rest.
E.     It will kill the insect with its sting.
30.  What is the advantage of a wind blow?
A.    It helps the spider move quickly in the web.
B.     It solidifies the wet fluid into a strong thread.
C.     It helps the spider trap the insects.
D.    It provides the spider with its meal.
E.     It helps the insects fly away from the trap.
This text is for questions numbers 31 - 33. 
Lately, concerns have arisen that Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, and its immediate surroundings are threatened to experience a clean water crisis by 2025. Clean water, which is produced by two private operators – PAM Lyonnaise Jaya (Palyja) and Aetra Air Jakarta – currently totals 18.7 m3 per second. However, by 2025, demand for clean water will reach 41.3 m3/second as the population of Jakarta is estimated to grow to 14.6 million people from 9.6 million currently (the unofficial figure is possibly much higher).
It has been reported that city-owned property developer Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) and city-owned developer Pembangunan Jaya will acquire a combined 100 percent stake in Palyja. If the Jakarta administration has a direct stake in the city water operators, it will increase public supervision on the local clean water industry.
PAM Lyonnaise Jaya, which manages the clean water supply in the west side of Jakarta, is a private water operator that is partly controlled by Astra International through its subsidiary Astratel Nusantara. Palyja has been active in Jakarta for about 16 years. However, last year a law suit was filed demanding that the court will annul the agreement between city water operator PAM Jaya and Palyja and Aetra Air Jakarta (Aetra) claiming that public access to affordable clean water has been hindered.
         Based on information from the World Bank, Indonesia plans to achieve universal clean water access by 2019 but almost half of the population still do not have access to clean water at present.
31.    What is the text about? It’s about ....
A.    the growth of water supply
B.    PAM Lyonnaise Jaya
C.    clean water industry
D.    city water operators
E.    clean water crisis
32.    What is predicted to happen in 2025?
A.    Public access to affordable clean water will be hundred.
B.    Indonesia to achieve universal clean water access.
C.    There will be more water supply operators.
D.    The demand for clean water will decrease.
E.    Jakarta will experience water crisis.
33.    Paragraph one discusses ...
A.    the demand for clean water.
B.    clean water crisis in Jakarta in 2025.
C.    the rapid growth of Jakarta population.
D.    the production of clean water in Jakarta.
E.    two private operators producing clean water.
This text is for questions numbers 34 and 35.
Indonesian Tourism Industry Association Bali offers free accommodation
Jakarta | Tue, November 28, 2017 | 12:35 pm
Indonesian Tourism Industry Association (GIPI) Bali is offering free accommodation for stranded tourists at the Ngurah Rai International Airport Bali that has been closed since Nov. 27 due to volcanic ash from Mount Agung.
“Not a single tourist should stay overnight at the airport, GIPI Bali together with Badung regional administration is providing free accommodation for tonight and tomorrow, if the airport remains closed,” said GIPI Bali head, Gus Agung.
 “We’ve set aside two billion rupiahs for two nights, one room is allocated for two guests,” Gus added.
The accommodation also includes breakfast.
In the era of social media, Gus Agung mentioned, unsatisfied tourists are free to express their frustrations. “But if they are served well with respect, they will also post their happiness amid the panicky situation,” he added.
Tourism minister Arief Yahya praised GIPI Bali for initiative, “What is being done by the Badung regency and GIPI Bali is very good. This is what we call a long-term investment,” he said.
The two billion rupiahs is relatively small compared to Badung’s average Locally-Generated Income (PAD) in a year that is at seven trillion rupiahs.
34.    The writer’s intention in writing the above text is ....
A.    to tell that people are panic because of the ash.
B.    to tell the audience about some newsworthy.
C.    to describe the situation due to volcanic ash.
D.    to tell the audience free accommodation.
E.    to describe the panicky situation.
35.    From the text we may conclude that ....
A.    all tourists should stay overnight at the airport.
B.    tourists should stay overnight because of the ash.
C.    the fund allocated for serving the tourists is reasonable.
D.    GIPIBali and Badung regency have served the tourists well.
E.    unsatisfied tourists expresses their frustration in social media.
This text is for questions numbers 36 to 38.
A clean and fresh city will surely make the inhabitants healthy. Every morning especially in dry season, all roads must be watered with clean water and swept by the workers of regional government under the mayor’s instruction.
To protect people from heavy pollution caused by cars, trucks and motorcycles, enough trees must be planted along the roads. Every building or house in the city must be surrounded by short and small trees which bear colorful flowers.
Bad and improper habits which cause disadvantages, such as smoking and throwing rubbish anywhere, should be stopped at once.
The city mayor will have to think over the way to educate people, so they realize how important cleanliness and health are. More public lavatories are badly needed.
It will be wise if the city mayor decides a certain amount of fine to be paid by those who break the government, a man who urinates not at lavatory, smokes not at a smoking room or throws rubbish at the roads should be fined. Besides dirtying the environment with cigarettes’ butts, smoking will also cause pollution and bad lung diseases to other people.
So, bad habits and impolite attitude should be immediately stopped, otherwise the city will be dirty, unhealthy, badly polluted and will never attract foreign and domestic tourists as well.
36.  The purpose of the text is ....
A.    to explain the readers about how to keep the city clean and fresh.
B.     to present two points of view about keeping the city clean and fresh.
C.     to retell past event about the improper habits of the citizens.
D.    to describe what a clean and fresh city looks like.
E.     to persuade the readers to keep the city clean and fresh.
37.  What is the writer’s opinion about people who smoke at a non-smoking area?
They should be ….
A.    punished
B.     educated.
C.     warned
D.    fined.
E.     stopped
38.  “The city mayor will have to think over the way to educate people, so they realize how important cleanliness and health are.”
The underlined word is similar to ....
A.    become aware
B.     wake up
C.     bring about
D.    cause to happen
E.     result in
This text is for questions numbers 39 and 40.
"Life Is A Highway"
(Rascal Flatts)
Whooo umm yeah...
Life's like a road that you travel on
When there's one day here and the next day gone
Sometimes you bend, sometimes you stand
Sometimes you turn your back to the wind
There's a world outside every darkened door
Where blues won't haunt you anymore
Where brave are free and lovers soar
Come ride with me to the distant shore
We won't hesitate
To break down the garden gate
There's not much time left today
Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
If  you're going my way
I wanna drive it all night long
39.  What is the topic of the song?
A.    a bravery  in every worse situation.
B.     a courage to overcome troubles.
C.     a problem in a hard life.
D.    a motivation to be an optimist.
E.     a desire to take an adventure.
40.  What can we learn from the text?
A.    Life is hard.
B.     Never give up.
C.     Life is dynamic.
D.    Life is struggling.
E.     There’s always a way to reach our goal.
B.  Do the following essay test.
Read the following text and answer the question.
When we had a holiday last year, my family and I went to a place at the seaside and borrowed a boat from one of our friends. We sailed and finished on the sea all day.
When the sea was rough, we sailed on a small lake near the sea instead. There were not many fish in the lake, but in the sea we caught a lot with a hook, line and small pieces of bread.
When the weather was fine, we collected pieces of dried wood and fired or grilled our fish over them on the beach.
41.  What kind of experience did the writer have in the text?
42. Complete this text in this caption with the correct prepositions (provided in the box)!
Soal Paket B USBN Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII SMA/MA/SMK
Senior High School students performed a traditional dance (a)..................... audience. Everyone gathered and come (b)................the school yard. There were many students (c)...................the school yard. They  wanted to watch the dance. They were happy because their performance was unique and many audiences gave big applause  (d)............them.



in front of



42. Rearrange the following paragraphs into the correct order so that the text will be meaning


The Allied Forces, led by the British Army, launched a massive attack. It was reported that  in the first day alone, the Allied Forces dropped about 500 bombs.


The Indonesian government declared November 10 National Heroes Day to commemorate this event.


The Battle of Surabaya is an unforgettable historical event in our country. The epic battle that took place in Surabaya on November 10, 1945 was one of the most heroic and violent episodes of the Indonesian Independence War.


It was only after three weeks that the Allies Forces could secure the city. As a consequence, the city was devastated while casualities were immense, taking more than 40,000 lives, mostly civilians.


In order that the new generation could emulate the spirit of those who sacrificed their lives for the love of their country.


43. Make a dialogue involving the expressions of suggestion and offer based on the given situation. Your dialogue must consist of 4 exchanges. Situation :Your friend from Padang, West Sumatra is visiting you. Give him/her an  offer/suggestion what places you want to take him/her to, and  what kind of food you want to offer him/her
           You          : ............................................
           Friend       : ............................................
           You          : ............................................
           Friend       : ............................................
           You          : ............................................
           Friend       : ............................................
           You          : ............................................
           Friend       : ............................................         
45.  Observe the picture below. What do you think about this situation? Write down an  opinion about it

****GOOD LUCK****

A. Pilihan Ganda

















































































B. Uraian
41.  Variable answers
a.       The writer had an exciting experience/adventure OR
b.      The writer had a memorable experience/adventure OR
c.       The writer had an unforgettable experience/adventure OR
d.      any other answers which are similar.
42. a. in front of            b. around                     c. behind          d. to
43. C  -  A  -  D  -  B   -   E
44. Accept any possible answer
45. Accept any possible answer


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